S. No. | Title and Authors Name |
1 | A study on depression among geriatric in a rural population of Uttar Pradesh, India Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Sandhya Mishra, Dr. AN Mishra, Dr. Nidhi Jauhari and HN Dhungana Pages: 01-04 | 2531 Views | 942 Downloads | Country: India |
2 | Maternal health services utilization and influencing factors: A study in Lucknow district Mishra S, Chopra D, Jauhari N and Mishra AN Pages: 05-09 | 2609 Views | 1079 Downloads | Country: India |
3 | Critical review of a scientific publication: An insight Mishra S, Chopra D, Jauhari N and Mishra AN Pages: 10-13 | 2358 Views | 943 Downloads | Country: India |
4 | Oral hygiene knowledge, attitude, practice and self-perception of personal dental appearance among majmaah university female student, KSA Elsabagh HM, Abd Elkader MN and Abd Elkader EN Pages: 14-18 | 3860 Views | 2231 Downloads | Country: Egypt |
5 | Breakfast, food consumption pattern and nutritional status among private university students in Shah Alam, Malaysia Darshini Sundaram, Hasanain Faisal Ghazi and Maged Elnajeh Pages: 19-22 | 4204 Views | 2451 Downloads | Country: India |
6 | A cost evalauation analysis of treatment strategy in re-exposure animal bite cases Agarwal Anil K, Gupta Rajesh and Sharma Vikas Pages: 23-26 | 2607 Views | 1023 Downloads | Country: India |
7 | Design and development of cosmeceutical cream for hyperpigmentation and anti-aging Nayana Vhatkar, Shraddha Raut, Manali Pore, Siddhika Dhope, Igor Foscolo and Akash S Mali Pages: 27-31 | 5659 Views | 4013 Downloads | Country: Germany |
8 | Effect of questionnaire response scale on items response characteristics in primary care patients survey: Comparing unipolar versus bipolar response formats Daprim S Ogaji Pages: 32-39 | 3541 Views | 2096 Downloads | Country: Nigeria |
9 | Knowledge, attitude, and use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) among pharmacy and nursing students in Oman Sujith Haridass, Mohamed Azmi Hassali, Sheikha Mohammed Al-Hinai, Ahmed Ibrahim Nouri and Ashutosh Kumar Verma Pages: 40-43 | 4320 Views | 2382 Downloads | Country: Oman |
10 | Community medicine from the point of view of the general practitioner: “Never plump your foot straight into your shoe in the morning" Dr. Jose Luis Turabian Pages: 44-50 | 3110 Views | 1711 Downloads | Country: Spain |