Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part C (2019)

S. No. Title and Authors Name
What do medical students think about bio statistics education?
Anil Kumar Agarwal
Pages: 163-164 | 2601 Views  736 Downloads | Country: India
A study of breast feeding practices in UHTC field practice area of SMS medical college Jaipur, Rajasthan
Nikita Sharma, Rekha Shekhawat and Vikram Singh Sodha
Pages: 165-167 | 2687 Views  878 Downloads | Country: India
Cataract and its associated risk factors among elderly population in a rural area of Belagavi: A cross sectional study
Preet Khona and Chandra Metgud
Pages: 168-172 | 2712 Views  865 Downloads | Country: India
Expenditure pattern of hypertension among elderly of Davangere city: Is it really catastrophic among them?
Dr. Poornima MP
Pages: 173-175 | 2500 Views  768 Downloads | Country: India
Morbidity pattern among primary school children in urban field practice area of a tertiary care center in eastern Uttar Pradesh, India
Dr. Dhananjay Kumar Singh and Dr. Sandeep Mishra
Pages: 176-179 | 2608 Views  888 Downloads | Country: India
Knowledge, attitude and practices of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients attending medicine OPD at a tertiary care hospital
Mohammad Suhail Khan, Anas Ahmad Khan, Ausaf Ahmad and Syed Esam Mahmood
Pages: 180-184 | 2749 Views  960 Downloads | Country: India
Knowledge and perception of men about postnatal care: Community based study
Dr. Swetha T, Dr. Roseline V and Dr. Shivaswamy MS
Pages: 185-190 | 3182 Views  1362 Downloads | Country: India
Career support and guidance to school going adolescents by their teachers in a rural block of state Haryana, India: A cross sectional study
RB Jain, Arun Kumar and Pardeep Khanna
Pages: 191-193 | 2509 Views  813 Downloads | Country: India
To evaluate the RNTCP through assessment of treatment outcome of the pulmonary tuberculosis patients under RNTCP in tuberculosis units
Raju Hanumant Patil, Ravindra Y Mandolikar and Narendra Shriram Madhekar
Pages: 194-197 | 2563 Views  801 Downloads | Country: India
Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction and therapeutic modulation in Iraqi girls intermediate school students
Mozahim A Jawad and Makarem M Abdulkareeem
Pages: 198-202 | 2436 Views  773 Downloads | Country: Iraq
Assessment of impact of educational intervention on knowledge, attitude and practice of Pharmacovigilance among interns
Mohammad Saleem Sharoo, Roohi Sharma and Zahid Gillani
Pages: 203-205 | 1360 Views  623 Downloads | Country: India