Vol. 3, Issue 4, Part A (2020)

S. No. Title and Authors Name
Tele-follow up of anemic ANC Mother; subjective and objective correlation of anemia and potential improvement: Case report study
Dr. Geetanjali V Kendre and Dr. Rupesh D Shinde
Pages: 01-03 | 1431 Views  550 Downloads | Country: India
Antenatal exercise in Saudi Arabia: Knowledge, attitude and practice
Norah Abdullah Al-Rowais, Dr. Fatema A Mater, Dr. Fatema Al Watani, Dr. Safa Mohamed, Dr. Sumaiya Mohamed, Dr. Zainab S Al Watani, Dr. Hadeel A Albaqqali and Dr. Joud G AL Darsoni
Pages: 04-08 | 3174 Views  1772 Downloads | Country: Saudi Arabia
Milestones: Are mothers aware?
Dr. Joud G AL Darsoni and Dr. Norah A AL Shehri
Pages: 09-14 | 2123 Views  1174 Downloads | Country: Saudi Arabia
Study on problems among the male geriatric population of a rural area, Kbnims, Kalaburagi
Shahnaz Shaheen, Linah Maryam, Kaviraj Motakpalli and Deepak Jamadar
Pages: 15-17 | 1488 Views  528 Downloads | Country: India
Family physicians’ perceptions about their practice in infertility management at primary care centers, PSMMC, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 2020
Ghaida Al Obaid, Dr. Nouf Al Turki, Dr. Aljoharah Al Osaimi and Prof. Mostafa Kofi
Pages: 18-25 | 1585 Views  569 Downloads | Country: Saudi Arabia
Prince sultan military medical city Riyadh, Saudi Arabia quality of life for parents having children with atopic dermatitis in Riyadh 2020 cross-sectional survey
Rawan AlHayyan, Dr. Tarek AlSiad and Mostafa Kofi
Pages: 26-32 | 1245 Views  468 Downloads | Country: Saudi Arabia
Knowledge of primary care physicians regarding eye trauma among children under age14 attending PHC, Riyadh,Saudi Arabia.
Aljoharah Alshehri, Dr. Ghada Alarfaj and Mostafa Kofi
Pages: 33-41 | 1396 Views  517 Downloads | Country: Saudi Arabia
To assess the knowledge of adolescents about the dietary behaviour & its consequences
Ashok Maan, Manoj Kumar Yadav, SS Chaudhary and Manisha
Pages: 42-46 | 1383 Views  567 Downloads | Country: India