Vol. 5, Issue 1, Part A (2022)

S. No. Title and Authors Name
Obesity and hypertension in young adult girls
Rita Patil and Supriya Khedkar
Pages: 01-05 | 1087 Views  379 Downloads | Country: India
Patients and providers satisfaction with telemedicine in Riyadh
Mujahid Aldakhil, Mamdouh Alharbi and Abdulrahman Alomair
Pages: 06-12 | 1430 Views  664 Downloads | Country: Saudi Arabia
Knowledge and practice of weaning among mothers attending the paediatric outpatient clinic in a tertiary hospital in southern Nigeria
Boma Awoala West, Josephine Enekole Aitafo and Tamunoiyowuna Grace Okari
Pages: 13-21 | 1790 Views  985 Downloads | Country: Nigeria
Knowledge and attitude toward travel medicine among primary care physicians in cluster 2 primary care centers in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Abdulaziz Salman A Al Muaythir, Shafi Hussain M Al Qahtani, Mohammed Fahad A Al Mujalli and Jarman Saeed M Al Qahtani
Pages: 22-28 | 1122 Views  472 Downloads | Country: Saudi Arabia
The impact of COVID-19 on coronary heart failure patients and co-morbid diseases
Abdulbari Bener, Abdulrahman Naser, Cem Cahit Barışık, Murat Atmaca and Zekeriya Nurkalem
Pages: 29-34 | 977 Views  365 Downloads | Country: Turkey
Impact of health education on maternal knowledge regarding choking prevention and first aid in children, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Reem Al Anazi, Dr. Bashayer Mureh, Dr. Hadeel Al Sulimani, Dr. Ghada Al Arfaj, Dr. Kholoud Habeeb and Mustafa Kofi
Pages: 35-40 | 1705 Views  792 Downloads | Country: Saudi Arabia
Pharmacovigilance and materiovigilance in India: A review
Lucky Yadav, Pankaj Pareek, Ashish Kumar, Akanksha Jaswal and Renuka Bamal
Pages: 41-44 | 1814 Views  890 Downloads | Country: India
Physician satisfaction and utilization about urgent care management pathways in primary health care
Dr. Rasha Mohammed Almutairi, Mostafa Kofi and Dr. Mashael Albarqawi
Pages: 45-49 | 1044 Views  384 Downloads | Country: Saudi Arabia
Changing teaching strategies and lecture preparation to improve medical students’ knowledge acquisition and retention
Dr. Karali HF and Dr. Farhad ES
Pages: 50-54 | 1203 Views  502 Downloads | Country: Malaysia
Patients’ impact on the hidden curriculum of medical students a qualitative study on undergraduate medical students
Dr. Karali HF, Kong SWW, Chee CC, Tan JHK, Frances PS, Panneerchelvam LL, Semali IDN, Manokar PL and Dr. Farhad ES
Pages: 55-60 | 1078 Views  433 Downloads | Country: Malaysia